28 September 2011

Roast of Charlie Sheen

The Comedy Central Roast of Charlie Sheen was an event full of controversy. From distasteful Ryan Dunn jokes to Mike Tyson breaking Steve-O's nose, it was a night for jackass's. Things become very uncomfortable when comedian Amy Schumer 'joked' that we all wished it was Steve-O whose life had been taken rather than his best friend Ryan. Most anything goes during a roast, but this just seemed a bit too soon. Do you feel like Amy crossed any lines by telling a joke like that? Or do you believe that all is good and fair during a roast? Later on in the night things took a strange turn when boxer Mike Tyson took the podium. He seemed to be intoxicated with some type of substance as he twitched, tweaked, and continuously attempted to button his jacket without success. The people seemed to be laughing at him rather than with him throughout his set. Some think it was just Mike Tyson being himself, while other people have different suspicions. Do you think Mike Tyson is still living the cleaned up life he proclaims he has been living? Or do you believe he has retracted to his old ways of violence, drugs, and women? Feel free to mention anything else you found memorable, controversial, or just plain interesting while watching the roast.


  1. Reading this post about the Charlie Sheen roast made me very interested about it and so I did watch it. I did not view Mike Tyson breaking Steve-O's nose as anything to strange, since it was Steve-O who chose to do the stunt and overall he is known to do these crazy things all the time. Overall though I did find very distasteful by Amy Schumer to make that comment about Ryan Dunn that should never be said in any contest. Another thing that was also very distasteful was the roasters mentioning and pulling into the gag Charlie Sheen's daughters twice. Overall the Charlie Sheen roast did push many limits and had the viewer and the public more times in shock about what had just been said than laughing.

  2. I didn't get to watch the entire Sheen roast, but still heard about most of the scenes from friends. It appears that this roast went a little over the edge and pushed a few too many buttons. I don't know why you would ever make a joke about somebody who recently died, especially on national television with some of his closest friends in the audience. Incredibly distasteful. I'm all for jokes that push the limit, but something like that should not be said.

    Another thing, Steve-O is an idiot! I just looked up the video of him getting his nose broken, and I don't think that even compares to some of the stuff he's done. He's even snorted pure wasabi before...funny, but idiotic!

  3. When Amy Schumer made that joke about Ryan Dunn I was first horrified, but then I remembered Gilbert Gottfried's 9/11 joke and Amy's didn't even compare. Amy Schumer knew that when she said that joke it would make her much more famous, and seeing as how I had no idea who she was before the roast, I'd say it worked. Her joke wasn't mean-spirited, she was just trying to have one of the most memorable moments of the night.

    Mike Tyson's "routine" (if we can even call it that) was one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen. I pride myself on my speaking ability, both publicly and in everyday conversation, and when I see something as horrible as I did when Mike Tyson got behind the podium, I just cringe. And he had to have been under the influence of at least one substance because no sober person would fail at buttoning their own coat seven times! That was just pathetic.
