13 October 2011

Are you in good hands?

The majority of us have seen these hilarious Allstate TV ads. They tend to reflect the season or what's popular at the time, such as football season or Christmas time or even a GPS for those summer road trips. The commercials are a clever tactic at getting the average person watching television to buy Allstate insurance because they use comedy in a way that all audiences can relate to and understand. Even though these commercials use comedy, they still make Allstate look professional and an insurance people would want to buy.

When you watch these commercials, what do you notice most about them? What makes them rememberable? What marketing techniques are used in these commercials? Have any of these marketing techniques or tactics ever made you buy something, such as car insurance, that you've seen advertised?


  1. Actually, I don't watch TV much. So I don't have lots of chance to watch the commercials. I think most of the ads are not good enough to make people buy after see them.

  2. I watched some of these commercials. These commercials can attract people attention easily. They look like movie but the scenes come from real life. People would like to watch it because it is like a movie, and also people can know more about their service. These commercials are successful because they showed those dangers which might happened in ordinary life, and exaggerated them. People would feel that those bad things might come to them, so it is necessary to buy their insurance in case. However, I think those commercials might have bad influence on little kids. In some of commercials, the actor did some very dangerous things such as standing on the road when the car was coming. Little kids have no ability to judge what they watched in the ads is good or bad, so they might mimic it if they watched it again and again. It will be very dangerous!!

  3. I believe that most people don't concentrate on commercials nearly as much as marketers wished, but commercials still have a large impact on how we consume. Most of the time I don't pay attention to commercials or even fast forward through them, but when I go to buy a product I recognize brand names. This brand name recognition is attributed to the commercials and barrage of advertisement. The fact that we realize that Ford makes big trucks and Pantene makes hair care products, shows that commercials and advertisement are effective in general.

  4. Make the commercial as a comedy is really a clever idea for sellers. just for me, i prefer hilarious ads rather than meaningful one, because after i watch interesting ads, i always believe that this product can make me happy rather than make me think even to sad. also interesting commercials can attract more people to buy them.

  5. Honestly, when I watch commercials, unless they are funny, I barely notice them. My eyes might catch a glimpse of the logo and my ears might hear a witty catchphrase, but other than that, the commercial is mostly forgotten. I especially don’t remember commercials that bash the competing companies. I hate this tactic because it produces negative emotions and when I’m watching TV, I only want positive emotion. This being said, I love these commercials. I saw one yesterday about a blind spot that had me laughing even after it had ended. The main thing I notice is the comedy and how it really relates to everyday life. It personifies the “mayhem” in our daily lives and makes it funny. It takes a boring, and expensive, thing like auto insurance and makes it seem less negative by making it funny. This produces a positive emotion and I believe that this could actually persuade people to buy Allstate Car Insurance.

  6. Using humor to grab an audiences’ attention is important when it comes to advertising. I know I remember commercials better when they make me laugh and I’m sure it’s the same way for a majority of people too. Humor in commercials helps people recognize a product and relate a situation or character, like Mayhem, to a product. Commercials like this just create another memorable thing Allstate is associated with. I definitely think humor is a great marketing tool; it even makes commercials bearable to sit through. Comedy makes commercials so tolerable that we even enjoy watching them during the Super Bowl. Overall, I think this is a great way to sell a product or service.

  7. I see a sequence of Allstate insurance ads; they all about that man did bad things to destroy the car. Of course it is a symbolization that sometimes your car damaged by unexpected accident. This ad clearly explains the purpose and function of the insurance.

    For most of the time, I find that ads are interesting. They have to tell a story with plot and characters in only 2 minutes. Great ads can achieve this goals with fluent. In my opinion, the successful ads are whatever methods you used, after 2mins, audience can remember the brand or product. However, I seldom trust the ads. I usually buy the product based on friend's suggestions.

  8. The advertisements of All-State as you mentioned are overall very well thought and do transmit overall to the viewer a sense of interest to their offers through comedy. They do make enjoyable to watch their advertisements and as it was said, still keep the look of being a professional and efficient company. Overall they do intrigue me every time their advertisement comes on to watch it and do, to some degree, make me interested in what they offer, something that not many advertisements are ever capable to do, since as it was already mentioned, usually when the advertisemnts come on I eaither put the TV on mute or turn around and do something else.

  9. When I watch these commercials, obviously, the humor of mayhem is what I notice most. However, I also notice the language used. Things like 'cut rate insurance' and 'name your own price' point at other insurance companies directly. The humor makes these commercials very memorable. My opinion of Allstate has definitely improved since seeing these commercials; they're cooler than I thought. I don't think I've ever been convinced to buy something as a result of a humorous commercial, but my opinion of the companies that use humor in advertising definitely improves.

  10. I just look for these allstate comercials on youtube and I found many of them are interesting. Many comercials use puns and sometimes I would like to watch ads, because many ads are funny and impresive, and some of them are deep, they can make me think about something else. The comercials of resturant usually attarct me to buy, and I think that's because they use techniques to make the food looks better.
