06 October 2011

Worth your time??

I recently heard about a new movie coming out called, In Time, with a plot that I think seems very unique and interesting. The movie trailer, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdadZ_KrZVw, caught my attention right away as it is different from any other movie I’ve heard of. The movie is set in the future, in a world where time is the new currency. With money being obsolete, time is what people work for, pay with, and eventually live with. Every person starts with 25 years, and things such as going to work earns you only hours instead of dollars. Things like buying a sandwich costs you minutes of your time. When your time hits zero, it means death.

The plot of this movie seems like a very unique idea. With Justin Timberlake and Cillian Murphy as the star actors, I’m interested to see if this movie will be a big hit. Another recent movie, Inception, was a popular hit that involved a plot about invading people’s dreams. Do you think In Time seems like an intriguing storyline for a movie? I am willing to use some of my time to watch this new movie, are you willing to use yours?

I guess we’ll find out in a matter of TIME! :)


  1. Wow,this is a very interesting movie. Everyone begins with 25 years old, so I saw in the movie trailer, at the very beginning, a man's mother-in-law,wife,and his daughter look like they all at the same age. The advantage I think is every people will treasure their time, make everything efficient, but the weakness is I believe they will not spend enough time with their friends even families, especially for poor people who will die soon, people will become selfish because the currency has become a implement which decides their lives. People in this movie they are always looking at their time recorders which are shown on their forearms, these scenes attract me. In summer, people can easily see other people's "money", and I am wondering how people will deal with this. For the criminals, they may like to steal the time which means to over their lives and this can not be imagined.
    I am sure I will go to watch this new movie when it comes out, and this movie will give me some new inspiration.

  2. I think it's a really cool concept! I'll definitely be going to see this when it comes out. I don't think I've ever seen this preview until tonight, but I think it might be as interesting as Inception. It's a strange idea that you would have to work for more time to live rather than actual currency. Makes you think about how you would spend your day differently. I definitely wouldn't ever sleep in again.

    I thought it stood out at the end when they said that he wasn't "stealing time, he was giving it away." That would be really strange to be incredibly rich and live forever. I feel like that would get really boring after awhile because nobody around you is changing in age.

    I'll definitely see that in theaters!

  3. I think it's a really cool concept! I'll definitely be going to see this when it comes out. I don't think I've ever seen this preview until tonight, but I think it might be as interesting as Inception. It's a strange idea that you would have to work for more time to live rather than actual currency. Makes you think about how you would spend your day differently. I definitely wouldn't ever sleep in again.

    I thought it stood out at the end when they said that he wasn't "stealing time, he was giving it away." That would be really strange to be incredibly rich and live forever. I feel like that would get really boring after awhile because nobody around you is changing in age.

    I'll definitely see that in theaters!

  4. I think that this movie shows that "time is money" and what you do with your time defines what kind of life you have. It's a completely different type of living than we are used because most people these days define their lives by how much money they have because all they care about is money. I thought it was really interesting that the one guy said he was 105 years old, but yet still only looked 25. It would be so unbelievably strange to never see anyone look over the age of 25. The whole concept is sounds very intriguing because how do the rich become rich? Are they born with more time because their parent are rich? Do they work their whole lives away? Also, I wonder if there are still the same type of jobs that there are today?

    The movie posses a lot of questions for me; therefore I would definitely spend my time going to see it!

  5. This movie is a very interesting one. We don’t use money anymore but use time to take over. However, I wonder how they calculate time and control time. In my knowledge, time can’t be controlled by human but in the movie we can. Secondly, I think the core question is still the rich and the poor. Rich people have a lot of time to spend but poor people usually die young. In some sense, I think it is very similar in today’s society. In today’s world, if you are rich, you don’t need to worry about sickness or meals because you have money to get doctors and buy food. If you are poor, you will not want to be sick and will worry about next meal; because you don’t have money to see the doctors and you need to find ways to earn money to buy food. The core question is still talking about the gap between rich and poor. The movie uses a different perspective and interesting way to explain the problem. I am very looking forward to see it. Like inception, the topics and perspectives they use in movies are very attracting and fascinating.

  6. I would definitely want to see this movie in theaters. The concept of time as currency would make people re-evaluate what is truly important to them. I think this world would be even harder on the poor than our world is now. I cant imagine how I would handle it. It is also a bizarre concept of not aging past 25, I cant imagine introducing my mother and my wife and daughter all to look as if they were only 25 years old. I believe if I had lived for a long time, I would want to give my time away and let go just as the man did in the movie. In a world where time can be traded so easily, it would be very important in the minds of those in control to stay in control, because the power of life in death exists in numbers on everyones forearm. I look forward to seeing the movie when it comes out.

  7. This movie is definitely following in the footsteps of “Inception.” It has the same interesting unique plot that can only be imagined. I would love to see this movie! It’s one of those movies that gets the audience thinking. It’ll probably make people reconsider how they spend their time and help them realize how precious time is. After watching this movie trailer I was able to relate it to today’s world. Some people are born with diseases and sickness that don’t allow them to live even past their teens while some people are lucky enough to live to be 100 and over. I wonder if in “In Time” people are able to get sick making them lose time. This concept of time as money makes it hard to predict what the movie will be like. I hope it is as good as I expect and as thought provoking.

  8. I saw this trailer, and I was just as intrigued as you! I find this movie a sort of rhetoric. In reality, money isn’t the thing everyone is running for; it’s time. We all want time to live our lives the way we want, to do all the things we want. Time is on our mind when we are thinking about whether we will live to see our grandchildren, and even when we are trying to race the clock during a chemistry exam. Time is abundant; time is everywhere. And yet we can never get enough of it. Time is essentially the most important thing in our lives, perhaps even greater than money. The movie is rhetorical in that it makes the “time equivalent to currency” idiom obvious. The movie might seem extreme in making death the consequence of losing time. But isn’t that how it is in real life? The terrifying part of that system is the fact that a person’s time is controlled by someone else. To grant someone the power to take or give life is like making them God. It is that aspect that makes this society a dystopia. Nonetheless, this is definitely a movie I am looking forward to. Perhaps it will help our society understand that time is far more precious than money because time gives us the opportunity to live life.

  9. Regarding time as the currency, which is fantastic! In that case, the way to show off is no longer having a LV bag or a Ferrari car. You just need to say "Hey~ I am 200 years old!" Your parents, your children and you will look like sister and brother. Incredible!

    However, the crime in the society still exists. People will steal and rub others time instead of wealth. It could even worse in this situation. If robbers just aim at money, they don't need to kill anybody. Nevertheless, if they greedily target on the time, they probably take away other's life. Because if anyone run out of the time, he would die.

    On the other hand, do people really need to live such 200 years or even longer? In the movie, I don't know who control the time. Is the total time of whole people on the earth a fixed number or can make as many as you want? If it is the first case, there would be a ridiculous possibility that only ten people still alive and each of them over 1000 years old! In other case, people will insanely earn the time just like they do now to work for the money. If no one dies, how could people survive in the limited natural resource?

    Anyway, this moive really give us a creative idea and a different perspective to think about time, money and life. Thanks for sharing that movie information. I am looking forward to seeing it~

  10. This movie is definitely creativity and full of fantastic imagination, and has a lot of famous actors and actress; I am attracted by the trailer very much so I am sure I will see that movie. In the movie, people worked for time but not money, so the definition of “riches” is those who have plenty of time to spend. But I don’t think those who are rich can really have good lives. They earn time, and spend the time to earn more time. It seems like the reason why they work hard is to get more time to work. I believe people in that world are tried. What’s more, do people really need plenty of time, and is it true that “live longer equal to live better’’? Probably not. For those riches in the movie, they might don’t know how to live a meaningful life. Because they have so much time, they can do everything they want. They would not miss anything in the life. Their lives are so “perfect”. They don’t have any regret in the lives, however regret is also beautiful, sometimes. Regret can be a good memory for us. But those riches can never appreciate that. So for me, I would rather to be the poorer in that world, and cherish time.

  11. I am really excited for this movie to come out. Its plot is original; one of the more original movie ideas I've seen in a long time, actually. I definitely think this movie is going to exhibit some great themes on class and, obviously, our time.

    People definitely take the time they've been given for granted. Maybe because this is because we don't know how much time we have left, and, being optimists, assume we have plenty. If we could see how much time we had time left to live, I think we would use our time with much more discretion. However, I think that not knowing how long we have to live, that any moment could be our last, makes everything we do more significant and beautiful.

    I really look forward to seeing this movie and what it has to say about these things.

  12. This does seem like a very interesting movie to me. The concept of each person starting with 25 years almost seems like a form of population control to me. I am not normally a fan of Justin Timberlake, but that could change after this film. I enjoy movies that bend reality a bit, therefore giving it infinite places to go, and this movie can go in many different directions. I will in all likeliness be heading to the movie theater to catch this one as soon as I can.

  13. This is an interesting movie. In the movie, it set up a new system of currency, which is our rest time of life instead of money. We work for time, we effort for time, actually we birth for time. This is losing the meaning that we come to this world. The meaning of life is to do something we like or do something meaningful to the whole world. The length of life should not be decided by people, it is the right for God. But the width of the life should decided by us.
