10 November 2011

Johnny English Reborn

The Johnny English Reborn has released for one month, but I had no time to watch this movie until last weekend. I think, so far, it is the funniest movie in this year. This movie is the sequel for Johnny English, and after 8 years, the agent comes back and gives us more surprise.

In the movie, Johnny English need to stop a group of international assassins before they kill the Chinese premier and cause global chaos. During his working, he made lots of accidents and funny stories, but he can change the bad situation. One of the funniest part is he learned martial arts and concentration in Tibet. Sometimes he was the only one among the all student who did totally opposite to others. And sometimes he knew he can’t beat the others, so he used his “smart” to win. Anyway I strongly suggest you guys to watch this movie if you haven’t. It is a good choice for you to relax after the heavy work in school.

So I really what to know what you guys’ thinking about this movie and do you have any other funny movie to suggest us to watch when we wants to relax?

Here is the Trailer of Johnny English Reborn:



  1. I have not seen this film yet but it looks excited and funny through the trailer. I like the series of Mr.Bean, he is a serious but funny guy who can always make me laugh, I like all of his films. No films in earlier 2011 let me be so excited and I expect to see this one much. Well, for relaxing I suggest you guys to play crysis, it is not a film but it is like a film. And you are the leader character in the game, I am crazy about this series of games for about 2weeks, it has amazing graphs and make you into the sense.

  2. I still have no time to go to the movie theatre so I have not seen it. I rarely see the comedies but I know a Chinese one called "Let Bullets Fly" and there is English title in this movie. I like one of the main character Chow Yun Fat and he is well known in the worldwide movie field I believe. He usually plays the actor and hero roles in movies but this time he changes his acting route into funny and bad roles, but this film is very successful. He is a landlord and local tyrant in this film. It is highly suggested to watch this film for the people who like Chow Yun Fat.

  3. I haven't seen any of the Johnny English movies, but they look like they could be entertaining. When I'm trying to relax and watch a funny movie, Super Troopers never fails to make me laugh. If anyone hasn't seen it I highly recommend it.

  4. I have seen the first Johnny English film, it was hilarious. I believe Rowan Atkinson is a very funny actor. I did not realize there was a sequel to this film. I am glad to hear it is funny considering I was a fan of the first one. It is very similar to the movie Get Smart, but much funnier. I will be sure to see this movie as soon as possible.

  5. I hace already seen this movie just after it released. Rowan is old visiblely, but he never loses his funny. His special funny make this movie popular. Like the movies Mr.Bean, his face actions make me laugh to tears. During the moive, the master teach Johnny before study Kongfu, he must learn how to strong his mind. I like this part, because a strong mind is the fundenmental of almost everything. In words, I really like this movie, and I also like Rowan.

  6. I used to watch the Mr. Bean with my parents on weekends when I was young. We laughed the whole time during his performance. I was impressed by one episode that he tried to cheat in the exam but failed every time. Even without words, his exaggerated body language and expressive face amuse people a lot. The point of skit is that he pretends to be clam after he did something awkward. Another comedy I like is The Pink Panther. Comic master Steve Martin plays a clueless detective but always can solve the case eventually. His acting is similar with Rowan.

  7. I watched his Mr. Bean series before. I think his is a genius for acting comedy. Instead of using funny clothes and action to make people laugh, his facial expression is unique and bring a ton of fun to audiences. Especially when he is in embarrassed situation, his facial expressions are always peaceful and calm to pretend he is nervous, which is really interesting. In this movie, he hurt a guy in accident when he played golf, he tried to be calm down, and his facial expression is really funny at that time. I will definitely watch this movie.

  8. I saw this movie several weeks ago and it was really really interesting!! My friends and I kept laughing in the movie theater while watching this. I still remember the movie series about Mr. Bean, it was so funny and the style was really close to this movie's. Every time when a big thing was gonna happen, the facial impression of Johnny English was started to turning really funny and complex. This really contribute the movie's plot a lot. I love this movie and I love Mr. Bean also. The actor is one of my favorite comedy actors all over the time!! Highly recommend it!!
