03 November 2011

Tattoo Madness

There are a lot of confident people in this world, but none more confident than Chris Brown. He is a Texas resident that has a lot of spirit for his favorite NFL football team, the Houston Texans. He recently went to a local tattoo parlor and got a fresh new tattoo on his forearm. A tattoo that most would deem highly optimistic. It was to commemorate the Super Bowl victory that has yet to (and probably won't) happen.

Brown's fresh ink is quite optimistic. It even includes a specific Super Bowl title that he expects the Texans to win. However, the Texans are currently 5-3 and have never made it to the NFL playoffs, or even won a postseason game. He even went so far as to have the tattoo artist shade in the background behind the roman numerals so he couldn't go back and change it in the future.

I personally think that this man is completely crazy. I don't ever plan on getting a tattoo and would definitely never get something like this. So this leads me to wonder, do any of you have tattoos? Do you plan on getting a tattoo? Where? Of what? Do you think it's worth having it for the rest of your life? Do you think it's only worth getting a tattoo if it's something meaningful? Do you think this guy is absolutely crazy or do you think it's kind of cool?!


  1. As a person who has yet to get a tattoo solely for the reason that I can't bring myself to be convinced of the cost/benefit of it, perhaps I should not be commenting on this but here's my opinion.
    From the people I've met it seems that tattoos are an addiction, from the very first one. Everyone tells me that once they get their first one, they soon inevitabely want another. This being the case I have seen some wild ones in my day. Mainly those tattoos of fellow soldiers. I've seen tattoos that are the strangest, oddest things you could imagine but people love em.
    That said, the Texas tattoo is not that far fetched or odd in the realm of tattoos. Texas natives for one, are the single most proud residents I've ever met. I've seen more longhorn and lone star tattoos than could ever be compared to another state. Theirs something about Texans that they just need it expressed on every inch of their body; "that the stars are big, and bright at night....."

    I personally very much want a tattoo or a coouple of them one day, but as a man who watches my money and my necessities/wants very closely, I have yet come to the point of commintment financially to a tattoo. But soon hopefully.

  2. I personally do not have a tattoo. I also doubt that I will ever get one. When I encounter someone with a tattoo, I usually ask the question “Why did you get it?” or “What does it represent?” If the person cannot give me a meaningful answer then it goes to show that they did not fully think through their decision. However, if the person can give me a good thought out answer, then I will respect their decision and appreciate the tattoo. My sister actually got a tattoo without my parent’s knowledge of it and they were extremely upset when they found out. At first, I thought she had made a bad decision, but then she explained the reason why she got it and how it can impact her life. I then realized that she was going to do it no matter what and I respected her decision. As far as the Texas fan goes, I think it is one decision that he will be regretting. But as the saying goes, “everything is bigger in Texas” so I am not very surprised that he did something like that.

  3. I think there is a guy who is more crazy than this Chris Brown: the zombie boy Rick Genest. Rick becomes famous in Thierry Mugler's fashion show, because he has tatoo all around his body and head and makes him look like a zomblie. I think he looks very scaring and he is very crazy because these tatoo definitely will affect his entire life. For myself, I probably won't get a tatoo, because I'm kind affected by Chinese traditional culture that it disobey the Filial piety if you damage your skin.

  4. Actually, I feel understand the man's behavior, although I would never get a tattoo on my body. I am a football fan, and I extremely like the AC Milan. I won't miss any game at weekend. It is so excited every time when I watch AC Milan's game. But I choose other way to show my feeling instead of tattoo. Any way, if you has a hobby that you are crazy about it, it is happiness.

  5. I think I will never have tattoo anyway, which probably result from the influence by our cultural. In China, having tattoo is not common things among young people. But I can understand and appreciate what this guy did. Different people have different way to show his/her emotion. He chose the way that most people might never have which is using tattoo. Some people concerned that what if he changed his mind in the future and thought what he did is thoughtless. However, I don’t think so. Even he will change his favorite team, what he did for his favorite team now could still be his good memory. We shouldn’t forget showing our passion and love to something just because afraid that ourselves will regret it in the future

  6. I don't think I'll ever get a tattoo. The idea of it scares me because it's too permanent. When I was younger I always wanted one because it was the "rebel" phase that all teenagers go through, but as soon as I was old enough to get one on my own, I didn't want to. I also think that people make bad decisions when they get them because they get them in spots where they can't cover them up and then get denied jobs because employers do not like when employees have tattoos because it is very unprofessional. Also, if you wanted to do something that was meaningful to you, why does it have to be a permanent tattoo on your body? Why can't it be something else less permanent and something that doesn't ruin your skin? I think this guy is crazy to get such a tattoo, it's too gaudy and unnecessary.

  7. Well, tattoo is really cool that I will have one if I have the chance. But in our culture, only bad guys have tattoo, people are afraid of the ones with tattoo. I think this is not necessary because maybe the ones just like it.I don't think it is beautiful but maybe it is the people's best memory or their faith. Anyway I like the guys who have their faith
