17 November 2011

Will you travel to North Korea?

The above is an article about North Korea opening its door for the rest of the world from the
Washington Post.

North Korea is like amystery place for most of us because we don't really see them. They are living a separate world from us. However, North Korea now is opening its door to us to
get a sneak peak. Will to travel to North Korea? Without phones and just sightseeing,
no contact with ordinary people in North Korea. Do you still want to travel there?

I find one thing that is really interested me is that in the article, one of the tourist commented
that North Korea is so backward. But in North Korea, there are BMW cars. I
think that create a conflict. If the country is so backward then how are the BMWs come from? Another thing is that besides the 3 channels that North Korean people have. North Korea starting using Facebook, Twitter which are from the west. Of course it is under control. But is it that mean North Korea becoming more and more open to the rest of the world?

What do you thinkvabout traveling in North Korea? What do you think the meaning of opening its door to the rest of the world? North Korea used to be very quite about anything, are all the actions are hints that they will become not so quite?


  1. It is interesting to me that North Korea is opening its doors to the outside world even if it is only slight. I don't think that I would want to travel to North Korea for now, at least under the current sanctions of isolation. My main reason to travel is to interact and understand other cultures, a very interactive process. Also, it seems that this new openness is geared toward China, which has many similarities to North Korea, not to the west. Especially the U.S. which has been ardent in its opposition to North Korea's activity since the Korean War. However, If more interaction was allowed, I think North Korea would be a very interesting place to visit. I found it interesting that a Chinese investor said that he would not invest in Korea for now, it seems investments would not be safe, as seen by the failure of cooperation that was occurring with Hyundai and South Korea.

  2. In my opinion this is only a small start, to a change that needs to occur there. Are people going to begin flocking to take advantage of being able to travel to North Korea, I doubt it. Largely because the country is still controlled in such and odd and restrictive manner. Much like Cuba, North Korea has an odd and controversial leadership that many do not agree with and therefor do not find the appeal of entering such a country.
    North Korea needs a change in an effort to "adapt", even if slighly, to the rest of the world. But who knows, with all the occupies and revolutions beggining all over the world. Maybe Noth Korea is next for a great "overthrow" by its people...

  3. I will not travel to North Korea. I read a blog which was written by a Chinese traveler. He traveled North Korea and wrote a long essay about what he saw. He mentioned that he can see the cars still carrying woods to burn to get the energy to move it. It is very strange to me but I still would agree with him. Also, he said there were a lot of police in plain clothes anywhere to control the native communicate with travelers. I will be very angry that someone control my right of freedom to say anything. I will say that the North Korean government should be broken by external force to release the native people who are suffering the greatest pain and they are afraid of saying it. I will encourage you not to go to North Korea because if you say something against with the government, the result will be very serious, both for you and the people you said to.

  4. This is definitely an interesting tactic that the North Koreans are using to boost their economy. I personally do not think I would want to go to North Korea because of all the control the government has. It doesn’t sound like a very relaxing vacation or a very good way to experience the culture and the people. However, I hope the people that do decide to travel there stay safe and no huge conflict comes from North Korea opening its doors to travelers. I believe this could help the Korean government but at the same time I don’t believe this is the best way to do so. Too much could go wrong in a very short time. It’s just an unstable risky idea.

  5. I would have to be dragged there in order to go visit. Why would you want to go visit a country where you lose so many rights and where you risk of ending in who knows what if you do something to disobey their ruling. I dont know who would want to go visit a country where there are so many restrictions on what you can do. The North Korean government is just something out of this world that is meant to be overtaken sooner or later cause its tearing apart a nation.

  6. Probably I will travel to North Korea for one day. I heard that the life in North Korea is similar to the life in China of 30 years ago. I am very interested in Chinese history and I can’t see real Chinese life 30 years ago, so it is a good chance for learning. However, just like you point out that there are some conflicts of what Korean government speaks out to the world, I believe what the place the government provides for traveling is not “real North Korean life”, the government probably hide the real life of the Korean people and showing something fake to the travelers.

  7. I like North Korea, and it is a magical place. Though I have never been there, I wish some day I can go there. And this blog also is a big new to me, because North Korea open its door to the world. People from all over the world can see what this country like and know its history or culture. Also North Korean is very close to my home China, so I wish some day I could go to North Korea to see what is look like.

  8. I wanted to travel to North Korea before, because my Dad told me that I can experience his childhood if I go to North Korea, becuase about 50 years ago, China is very similar with the present North Korea,when I was little, I think it's a little funny for a country like North Korea, so I really wanted to go there, however I think it's not a good time to travel to North Korea, because I think it's not very safe and I also heard from some of my friends that it's very boring to travel to North Korea.
