27 September 2011

The Dogs in Our Life

I have seen many American families have dogs, either big clever dogs or small cute ones. A lot of people do not have dogs but they love dogs. Dogs are becoming a part of our life. We train them when they were young, play with them at the weekend, and live with them all the time until they die. What the dogs give back to us are loyal whether we are rich or poor, and make us to be happy when we are sad. However, they are not angels all the time, and sometimes they are more like devils, like barking, annoying or biting someone.

If you have a dog, would you regard it as a family member, a friend, or just a pet? Should we spend a lot of money on dogs, why? For some reasons, some people abandon their dogs, who should be responsible for this kind of behavior, these persons or the society? Dogs are not always beneficial to us, sometimes they may bite people, how could we solve the issues like this, kill the dogs or any other ways, or depends? Which kind of dogs do you like more, big clever bulldog or the small cute tea cup dogs, or other types? What are the laws or policies in US can protect the dogs in case of being treated badly, are the laws different from the other countries'?


  1. I treated my pets as my family members.When you brought a toy, you can play it whenever you want and throw it away as trash to wherever you want. Pet is not toy, when you brought it, you must be responsible for it. How much effort you can take from you for your pets is a prior question you need to think when you decide to have one. If you can't guarantee you can accompany with it in its whole life, you'd better not to get one. I saw many homeless dogs on the street. They probably belong to some families before, but they were kicked out in one day. In those people mind, dogs are just toys. They brought dogs just for fun and they throw dogs away because they start to get bored. Keeping dog not just for fun but means you let a new family member become a part of your life. You can have many dogs in your life, but you are the whole life for all your dogs.

  2. I used to have a dog that I loved, but we had to put him down once we discovered he was losing his vision, and hearing. I wish we didn't have to put him down and I hope to get a new dog soon! (A bulldog or a King Charles Terrier would be awesome)

    I always hear about dogs that are abandoned and left in public places, which is terrible! Like Yanxi said, dogs aren't like toys that you can just get rid of when you're done with them. If your pet is causing you problems, find a better home for them. It really is not that difficult to do in today's society. If you can't support a new pet, then don't get one!

    I sometimes see homeless people, (even so close as High St.) that have dogs. I find it amazing that a homeless person would have the heart to feed and support a dog even when they are without a doubt, even hungrier. That shows how powerful a pet companion can be.

    As for a dog that bites people on a regular basis, I believe that they should be given a second chance at a dog training facility. If training the dog is unsuccessful, it may be in the best interest for the dog to be put down.

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  5. Pets should always be part of people's families. They are always there when we need them, they make us happy when we are sad, and they even greet us with a happy tail wagging when we come home! I don't personally have a dog because my mom is allergic to them, but I have an outdoor cat that my parents got from a friend who is an animal warden and gave to me and my sister. She has been our cat since I was in second grade, which is a long time because I live out in the country and there are stray dogs, foxes, and coyotes all over the place. We treat her like she is one of the family. Anytime we cook food out on the grill, she knows to come around the house because my dad will always give her some!

    It really is terrible to see people abandon their animals because it isn't fair to the animal! If people are doing that, then they shouldn't have a pet in the first place like Jake said. I hate to see the ASPCA commercials on tv, they break my heart because those animals don't deserve to be treated that way and they are practically helpless left out on their own. It is great that there are places like ASPCA and animal shelters that take care of these animals, but they can't take care of them all.

    Dogs that are dangerous, because they bite or attack people, should not always just be put down right away. The dog should be trained and given a chance to behave. If they aren't trained, they don't really know that biting is wrong because they are like children, they need to be taught what is right and wrong. However, if that doesn't work, then maybe the dog should be put down.

  6. Dogs are considered as one of our best animal-friends. Most of them spent their whole life living with people. Most dogs treated us not only like their friends, but also families! They feel very protective of their human friends.

    I recently heard news about some people stealing dogs and selling them to the restaurant for eat. I CAN'T believe it when I heard about it at the first time. I wondered how can those people do such cruel things!! It just like killing others family member! Those dogs may still believe people at their last minute of life.

    In my opinion, no matter how many dogs you have in your whole life, you should treat each of those like the only unique one in you life.

  7. I had a dog when I was in high school. It was a cream-color dog and always restless. When people come to my home , it bit the visitors' trousers all the time to ask people to play with them. Although it was so cute, we decided to put it to my grandmother's house since there are nobody at home in the daytime. But there were some new problems. My grandmother and grandfather didn't have that good body to play with it all the day. Once, when the dog bit my grandmother's trousers, my grandmother didn't care that and fell down. It was really dangerous for a old person. So all my family decided to give the dog to a friend. Actually, when we gave it to a friend, no one of us were willing to do. At that time I realized the dog really became a member of our family. But in the limited condition, I gave the dog to a friend who was very kind and had time to take care of it eventually.

  8. Dogs are part of the family and we should treat them well. We should treat dogs equally regardless of their sizes. Dogs give us happiness and share sadness with us. We should not abandon them when we feel like it. It is a very irresponsible action. When people decide to have a dog, they should give them love and train them. In my opinion, keeping a dog as a pet but not training them is an very irresponsible act. I have a dog back at home, it is a golden retriever. We train her to friendly with people and not to bark at anything around her such as buses come by. Parents teach their child to behave and so do masters. Masters should train their dogs or any pet to be well behaved.
    Another important point I want to mention is that people should not abandon pets easily. In a Japanese movie called “Ten Promises I Made with Dogs”, one promise stated that “people can have many friends, but I only have you; so don’t leave me.” I agree to the statement because people can make friends everyday but dogs only have one master that they wait for every day. Dogs loyal to people and they always will be on your side. Therefore, people should treat them as part of the family.

  9. Well, having a dog as a pet is really a cool thing. Dogs are the best friends of human I think. It is not just an animal, when you live with it and get along with it for a time, you will regard it as one of your family mambers. It will know you and be faithful to you. My neighbor had a dog when I am at high school, that is a small tea cup dog, which is my favorite kind of dog. It is very popular in that area I live. Everyone loves it and speaks to it when they meet it. I think human should treat dogs as their friends, although they are dirty or will mass youe home up sometime. But everyone may make mistakes. Just love them, and they will love you as the return. Don't hurt them or abandon it as trush, treat it as a life. That is the best way to live with between human and animals.

  10. I regard my dog as a friend; simply another life to share mine with. Though dogs may be significantly less intelligent than us, it is still important to respect their lives like any other friend's. It is for this reason that I find abandoning dogs an abhorrent idea. At the very least, an owner should find a new place for their dog if they can no longer care for it. In many ways, dogs are like children. Along with this, I am very opposed to the idea of euthanizing dogs with behavioral problems. Just like children, they can be taught to change their behavior. In the end, it just comes down to respect for life, and dogs are just as alive as we are.

  11. I have two little dogs, and both of them are very cute, and I treat them as family members. Although they have bited my pens, my shoes, my headphones, and even my credit card, I still love them. Because most of their behaviors are just like my friend, and I can feel their emotions. I think if a person decides to raise a pet, he need to make prepartion for taking responsibility, because they are lives and they have emotions. I think most people won't abondon dogs, because if you live with them, you will love them, and they are cute, smart and loyal to people. They are one of the best choices to choose a animal friend.
