05 October 2011

Bored UCLA Student Joins Libyan Rebels

There are the news link:

I heard about this news weeks ago from my friends. At first I thought it was a joke, but after I googled it, I was kind of shocked!! A university student with no military experience bought a ONE-WAY ticket to Libyan and joined the war! And when the journalist asked about the one way ticket, he said "If I get captured or something, i don't want to waste another $800."
What's your attitude towards his action? Interesting? Crazy? Unbelievable? Or something else? What impact do you think this trip will bring to his life or yours? Just say something about this news.


  1. I find this rather incredible and hard to believe. I don't see why he would ever be encouraged to fly out there and join the rebels. There doesn't seem to be a connection in his life to the Libyans.

    I also don't feel like it is very safe for the Libyans because they even reported he didn't even know how to fire an AK-47. That could result in one of their own being shot in an accident. He really needs to be trained before being put on the front line.

    It seems very illogical to fly out to a foreign country and fight for a society that he doesn't even live in. He had to have some reason to do it rather than something fun to do with his summer. Do you think he had some other motive? Do you think he was bored with school and California life?

  2. This is pretty incredible someone would have ever thought about doing something of this sort, but at the same time it is quite fascinating. I find what this kid did to some degree very interesting and realistic. I found an article online that had parts of an interview he had done when he came back to the United States not too long ago. In the article he stated that reading about the American Revolution and other historic revolutions done to gain freedom made him, when he heard the news of the Libyan revolution for a democracy, want to join and experience how is being a part of a revolution and help the people gain their freedoms. When I read his statements from thinking he was just a pretty irresponsible crazy kid, to viewing what he did as something in some sort of way enterprising, brave and humble. This experience is something that probably in some sort of degree will shape his character and that will always have a print in his life, since he explained he did also go on battlegrounds with the rebels and experienced the fighting.

  3. I strongly disagree that Chris Jeon's trip had anything to do with being brave or humble. He told reporters that he thought it would be "cool." The Libyan rebels who are fighting Muammar Gaddafi's supporters are fighting for their freedom. They have never been allowed to create political parties or speak out against Gaddafi for that would be certain death. After Gaddafi ordered his troops to fire on innocent and peaceful demonstrators in February the Libyan people had had enough and revolted.

    Now we have some jackass from California out there trying to make the Libyan revolution a "cool" adventure he can get famous quick off of. He has no respect for the people of Libya and their struggle, he just wants to have a good time. People like Chris Jeon are the reason that almost every other country in the world thinks Americans are a bunch of douchebags.

  4. When I read about Chris Jeon I was a bit amazed. I couldn't believe that someone our age would just drop everything and go fight with the Libyan rebels. It seems as though Jeon isn't taking the revolution in Libya very seriously. The impression I got from the articles was that this kid just got bored and decided to go join a revolution. This guy is either really brave or really stupid. He doesn't speak the native language and barely knew how to shoot a gun when he arrived. This is in a location where there is real fighting and danger and since he didn't know what he was doing there was a huge chance of him getting hurt or causing someone else to get hurt. Putting that aside, if his intentions were true and wasn't doing this just for a good story or to become famous, then this guy is really brave and honorable for helping the rebels. But, who knows what his true intentions were in going there.

  5. I feel like this guy just got really bored with his life (I don't know how that’s possible in California) and decided to pack up and do something very extreme (and very crazy as well). It seems as if this was a very rash decision and he didn't really think it all through. I think he is definitely in over his head in Libya since he has no training and has never had any experience in that sort of life style. Did he understand the risk he was putting his life in and that this “adventure trip” could become a suicide mission?

  6. I become his fan after I heard of the news. He is a true man!! I think he is not crazy or unbelievable, everyman should have his faith. And his faith is to be a soldier. But I think if he could calm down and join the army through the right way, that will be better. Because if he join the army, he will get more powerful weapon and better treatment and maybe save 800$? Anyway, I am shocked by the news too, and I will work hard for my faith too like the man in the news.

  7. I'm so agree with Wenhan Cao. A man should always know what to think and what to do. I have no right to judge his behavior is right or wrong. But I'm sure all he did was he want.

  8. I think his behavior is not mature, and he doesn't take responsibility for his family, friend and even himself, but I wound not deny it totally, because to some extent I can understand him. Many young people are not mature, imprudent and emotional, and it also applies on me, but for this student, he is too crazy, I hope he can realize the dangerous in good time.
