26 September 2011

Diesel "Be Stupid" ad campaign

I ran into clothing retailer Diesel's "Get Stupid" ad campaign online, and found it kind of strange and interesting. Like most people in college (or, in my case, grad school), I spend a lot of time and effort trying to get smarter. I believe intelligent thought is really important in making the world less crappy, so I wasn't quite sure what to think when I saw Diesel suggesting that to reject smart thinking in favor of stupid thinking is a way to make your life better, freer, or more fulfilling.

What sort of audience is this ad campaign aimed at? Does this match up with what we might think a luxury clothing designer's target audience would be? What might be appealing about the "get stupid" philosophy? What kind of risks is Diesel taking with an ad campaign like this? Is it dangerous to promote stupidity when that kind of thinking can get people into serious trouble and/or be a nuisance to the rest of the public? What do you guys think about this ad campaign?


  1. I think the stupid in this ad is not the real stupid, and it is a different life style. Although diesel is a designer's brand, but it's main products are jeans, and its target audience are young people. This ad is telling young people to be brave and have adventurous spirit, and I think that's why many people like it.

  2. I think this ad is trying to encourage young people to try, to think, to experience all kinds of things happened in our life. The priamry thoughts we feel about something may be stupid, but the stupid ideas help us thinking about more. It's hard for everyone to always do the smart things, and being "stupid" sometime actually makes me feel happy.
