27 September 2011

Facebook Re-design

I read this article from the Washington Post that explains some of the changes that facebook has recently made to its layout and organization. Looking at the comments posted after the article, it seems like a lot of people are really upset with the changes (and, really, this seems to be true pretty much every time facebook changes something).

Facebook seems to risk alienating users every time it makes changes, so why do you think it keeps making them? What is the effect of the new layout (the "top stories" feature or the "scrolling news ticker," for example) on how users interact with their friends on facebook?


  1. Every time Facebook makes changes it generates discussion about Facebook. These new changes were talked about on newschannels and generated lots of dicussion on Facebook itself. This made people interested in Facebook and probably caused more traffic to the site. No publicity is bad publicity.

  2. It seems that every time a change is made to something so main stream as Facebook, every body complains about how they don't like the changes and "swear to never use it again". This just means that most people are afraid of change, but what's wrong with a little change?

    Have you ever seen the original Facebook? It is absolutely nothing like the Facebook we are used to today. There are no photo albums, no games, and no "like" button!

    The point is that change is necessary to improve something. Yes, it may be really annoying at first because you can't figure out how to "tag someone in a post" or upload your pictures from the party last night, but change is usually worth it.

    I kind of like the new layout. I didn't even know what the "scrolling news ticker" was until yesterday, but I read them every time I'm online now.

  3. Everytime a new Facebook layout is introduced, everyone always seems to "dislike" and complain about the changes. I don't think anyone actually quits using Facebook because of these changes. People eventually deal with and get used to it until Facebook decides to change again. I actually like the facebook changes. Although, it might take me a few extra minutes to learn where certain buttons are now located, its still the same general concept and I like mixing it up. If your getting that emotional about a Facebook layout change, you might be relying too much on your friend facebook.

  4. I, as well as what seems to be a large number of people, was initially frustrated by the abrupt and dramatic changes to facebook last week. However as with all the changes facebook makes and the randomization of them, I quickly adapted to the changes and "get over" them, as I hope most people would. We all know things are going to change with "the times" and we need to adapt with them. It is initally frustrating to become accustomed to the new layouts facebook creates but is it really as big of a deal as we make it to be. It's just a media tool; adapt and overcome.

  5. Most time people don't like to change something they are familiar or they use everyday. But in my opinion, change is good. And most time, after a while, people will accept the new layout. For my personal angle, I like the new design Facebook. Now, it's more like a social network, because we can know our friends easily.
