26 October 2011

Occupy Wall Street

It's not the latest news, but it really last for a long time. At first, it is only a demonstration in New York, and then it seems that their slogan "we are the 99%" found an echo in the world. Many similar demonstrations were held in many cities in U.S, and then more people in over 900 cities worldwide also held similar protest.
I followed this protest closely, and I know that New York Times took a survey and found that most Americans have positive impression of the protest. Except for Americans, I also found that many Chinese people are discussing about the protest, and they put forward many different opinions of it. Most of people just concern about that people are free to hold demonstrations, and there are also some people notice the lack of focus of this protest. There are some pictures we can find on the internet, and one of them shows a girl wrote her demand on a board which is “end student loans", many people think this demand is not reasonable.
For my opinion, I think they just vent their emotions. Although there are unequal distribution of wealth and high unemployment rate, but occupy wall street is still not a good way to solve it, so what do you think about it?


  1. I think most of the protests are positive, but For that specific slogan "end student loans", I think the rich do not have to be responsible for helping the poor but at least they should not say anything like that to prevent the poor getting necessary help. This is a moral issue and I think that girl really needs to think about herself. I agree that protest is one way for people who have own this right which are only held in developed countries to express their emotions. These governments which build this right for people aim to let people provide positive suggestions or necessay demands, not to be immoral, or protests will be meaningless. In these countries, people should be happy that their governments all them to protest. However, in my country, China, there are too many boundaries to have a protest, I really hope my China will give people this free right without political limitations someday.

  2. I feel like their are so many different emotions about the occupy movement that people are feeling. It really is seemingly making its way into major cities. I actually know a guy who I was stationed with in Germany who is taking part in an occupy in Miami I think it was.
    Now, my opinions on this may be bit jaded, as I do not know 100% of the facts on the whole issue of the movemment, but I have a very good idea of what this is.
    My thinking is why are they occupying wall street, to argue against corporations and parts of the gov't, mainly congress. Why Wall street? Wall street is just a trading center, not the source of all the 1%'s bullsh%&. I feel a large number of people are taking part in it solely due to the fact that it is "whats happeneing" I see people out there in costumes and makeup and crazy outfits and theres nothing about that that says "hey, we want to be takin seriosuly". If your going to stage a non-military occupation, have some professionalism people.

  3. Well it is interesting to hear this because protest is forbidden in my country. But protest is always not that effective. I think it is a way but not a good way to solve their problems. Every government has his plan, it cannot be changed easily. And they can do nothing if they really occupy Wall street, just go back home wash wash and sleep. And I saw a protest around the state government of ohio in a night, they hold many slogan in the cold wind. Although everyone has his own mind, he should obey the country

  4. I also watched some videos about the New York big demonstration. I saw the NYPD arrested people unreasonable. The concept of "People have the right to demonstrate" is very unclear in many of countries. If we have rights to demonstrate, why the police arrest us, and why the force prevent us from demonstrating. If the government only allow us to demonstrate to celebrate some holiday, instead of opposing government, i think the demonstration will lose the original objective. So we should fight for or right.
