20 October 2011

We are new here

Today when I walked in campus, I saw some Chinese were looking for their class rooms, obviously, they were new here. They recalled me the days when I first came here last year. I was so nervous and had no idea what challenges I would meet at that time. As international students, campus lives are not easy. We not only need to study hard for every course, but also try hard to adapt ourselves to American lives. Many of my friends told me they wanted to make friends with American students to engage themselves to American life instead of just speaking Chinese everyday with other Chinese students, but that is not easy. When I chatted with American friends, I found it hard to find common topics which can draw the interest for both of us. In most of cases, we just talked about class, homework, which made both of us feel bored. That could probably results from we knew so little about the popular cultural among young people. For American students, do you have any friend who is from foreign country? What you usually talked about with them. And for those students who want to know more about American life and cultural, do you have any suggestion? For the international students, do you have any good American friend? What you can learn from them?


  1. Throughout my years of school I have met many foreign students, ranging from places such as Germany and China. Communication is a little hard at first until you understand the person and learn their way of communicating. I almost find it easier to talk to people from foreign places sometimes because their is so much to learn from and about them. They have almost lived an entirely different life so there are endless things to discuss. I just hope that I am able to teach them just as many things as they teach me.

  2. My friend has a girl on her floor that is in international student from China. Her name is Wenqi, and being friends with her is one of the most interesting experiences of my life. From her I have learned a lot about the Chinese culture.

    I never realized how long their schooldays were, or how much harder their classes were. In China it seems that they don't have all of the free time that American students have because of their heavy work load.

    My friends and I have been letting Wenqi experience the finer points of American cuisine; such as hot dogs, cheese burgers, s'mores, and apple pie.
