29 September 2011

More accusations in trial of Jacksons' Doctor.

This article is discussing more of the continuing accusations made in the recent continuing trial of the late Michael Jacksons' personal doctor. We have heard for months now how many believe that it was due to Dr. Conrad Murray's malpractice that led to the untimely death of Michael Jackson however would this be as in-depth of an issue had the death been of "just another citizen"? I have been very frustrated over all this recent "trouble" that the Dr. is in now, and am wondering is it simply and only because people just want to believe it was "someone elses fault". I mean, mucisians die younger and more often than probably anyother types of famous people and yet he had lived MUCH longer than most, despite all the troubled and odd things Michael partook in. He had undergone many operations and we know he had many drug dependancies and yet, now, it seems so many are just wanting a reason to not believe it and to have a person to blame his death on. I just don't feel this hype is all "just". Am I saying that their is NO chance it was Dr. Conrad Murrays' fault? No. I'm just saying it's frustrating to me knowing that probably one of the only reasons this doctor, that was employeed by such a troubled man; is on trial now, is that Michael was so famous and loved and people just couldn't accept that Michael likely did it to himself.



  1. The death of Michael Jackson was truly shocking and heartbreaking news to a people of many nations. Jackson was an international pop-star and I never thought his reign would end so abruptly. His death was, in my opinion, yet another stereotypical pop-star story. Countless celebrities have overdosed and countless trials have been held in attempts to blame someone other than the deceased. I completely agree that the situation is being blown out of proportions only because of Jackson’s legacy. Just because the doctor gave him powerful sedatives in abnormal amounts, doesn’t demote the doctor’s experience or wisdom. Then comes the question of whether or not Murray (the doctor) had motives of killing Jackson. This seems unlikely as nothing in the article suggests it. Thus it was likely that Jackson’s addiction with narcotics brought him to his own end. The continuation of the trial just seems like a one way road to destroying another man’s life for one man’s stupidity.

  2. Michael Jackson’s death was certainly a shock and I believe it was caused by a number of things. Michael was addicted to substances that his doctor was unaware of, he seemed sick and depressed leading up to the days before his death and his doctor was being paid $150,000 to give Michael “personal” care, which entailed anesthetics for sleeping. Because of this I don’t believe that Michael Jackson’s death can be pinned on one person. The article makes it sound like Michael did this to himself since he was taking medications from one doctor and not mentioning this fact to his personal doctor. However, Dr. Murray was giving him abnormal amounts of a general anesthetic in place of a sleeping pill. It sounds like it was just a matter of time for all these drugs and stress of his upcoming tour to take their effect on Michael.

    If this had happened to just an average person, there would not be such a big trial and so much controversy. Dr. Murray was the personal doctor of one of the biggest stars in music history, and I agree that people want someone to blame besides Michael. This is a frustrating issue but we see it a lot in our pop culture. There’s always something new to gossip about and this is just the newest topic of our interest.

  3. This is Laura Matacia's comment (we still need to work out a snag or two with this blog!):

    Michael Jackson was a very talented artist, but there were many twists and turns in his life that could have played a part of his death. With all the drugs, surgeries, and who else knows what else that Michael Jackson exposed his body to throughout his 50 years of life, all could have led to his death. I do not believe that his doctor would ever have a reason to commit murder because he was probably getting paid a very nice sum, so there would be no benefit on his part. I agree that it is ridiculous that this trial is still going on almost two years after Michael’s death. I can think of many more productive things the people working on this trial could be involved in. So remember Michael for the great artist he was, and maybe as another take home lesson, stay away from drugs.
